Dietary Therapy

Chinese medicine dietary therapy is an interesting and useful way to understand how our food impacts our energy and connection to the world around us. By choosing food that complements our own body’s needs, as well as understanding seasonal and climatic effects, we can maximise the life-energy replenishment that is available to us through food.

We can give you information that is relevant to you, at this time. We can tell you why certain foods are making your condition worse and how to choose food to feel better. We can provide you with guidelines on how you can use your food to heal yourself. You can even take home shopping lists to take to your Asian grocery store so that you can start experimenting with Chinese herbs that are also foods.

Our aim is that dietary therapy should be easy, interesting and fun for you to practice.


How can I find out more?

If you’d like to find out how we may help you to achieve your health goals, request your 15-minute Free Consultation and meet one of our practitioners to find out more.


See our blog for Chinese Dietary Therapy articles